About Us

About Us

For 70 years, "BSTC" has been proud to be among North America's leading and most reputable importers of quality building products, home improvement and home furnishing products, and materials used for further manufacturing. Having its origins in the spice trades of Southeast Asia, the Company dramatically expanded its Product Groups since the 1970's, becoming specialized and concentrated in select Industry Products, established both exclusive and special trade relations with manufacturers of prime quality and price-competitive Products throughout the World.

Double Star Building Products, Subsidiary of BSTC Group Inc. is wholly engaged in the DIRECT-MILL CONTAINER DELIVERY SERVICE of a wide range of building materials and manufacturing materials, for single products, and for multiple products by consolidation. Our Company's Product Consolidation feature is available for most Products and serves as the ideal vehicle by which inventory control and cost savings are brought together.

The Company continually adds construction industry related products to the existing core Line of Products under Double Star® as well as client Private Logo Labeling.